Reverse the Damage,

When Science Meets Love.

You are as young as your arteries. Every individual in the United States, who has been vaccinated, now has artery damage. If you live in the United States, because of stress, foods, medications and environmental toxins, and overall lifestyle, you have some form of artery damage. The good news is the truth has an answer. True Blue, (is in the infancy stage of its patent technology transport process) was first isolated as a chloride cell salt compound in the late 1800’s. Since its first synthesis in 1876, Methylene Blue with D-RiboCeine Technology, had seen broad applications in clinical treatments, laboratory use and aquatic applications. True Blue demonstrates a very wide range of therapeutic benefits, including calming anti-depressant effects and neuroprotectant properties, resulting in enhanced memory, and relief in Parkinson’s. It was originally discovered as a treatment for Malaria and later used to treat methemoglobinemia and urinary tract infections during world war l and ll. It was also used to treat Malaria for nearly 100 years, but it fell out of favor when MMS (Sodium Chlorite, another great miracle) emerged on the scene.

It has been approved for medical use by the FDA, and it is on the World Health Organization (WHO) list of safe and essential medicines. It is also well-known to zap viruses including, HIV, Ebola, Zika, Hepatitis A and C, West Nile, Dengue and Covid 19. It also boosts ATP levels (the energy-carrying molecule found in all living creatures). True Blue is a powered antioxidant that helps stop cell death. It rebuilds red blood cells and recently, researchers have begun to look at Blue as an anti-microbial agent against Lyme Disease, and as a treatment for persistent Bartonella. Because it isn’t an antibiotic, it does not destroy the gut flora like synthetic antibiotics do. Methylene Blue is well known for its powerful mitochondrial-targeting antioxidant. Blue will go through lipid membranes, a good example would be skin cells. Blue rebuilds the skin and slows down aging. For formulated skin care line click this link.

Let’s discuss Alzheimers, Parkinson’s and Dementia. Blue has had great success with these three diseases. Currently all existing big Pharma “approved” drugs do not work and they never will. Mainstream medicine admits they do not know what causes brain disorders, like Parkinson’s, Alzheimers and other forms of Dementia. (Currently, Truth to Awareness understands these three brain diseases. Contact us for help.) Modern medicine’s horrendous commitment to finding a genetic causation of Dementia has blinded them to the trail of scientific evidence, showing the true cause of the disease. We know that as the brain ages, mitochondrial metabolism decreases and that this phenomenon is possibly the main culprit behind many neurological diseases, including the big three brain diseases. In essence this means, if your brain cells are metabolizing properly, Dementia and other neurological diseases will not exist. All the criteria associated with a healthy brain, executing memory retrieval, speed- concentration and focus, are always dependent on adequate energy supply in the form of ATP (adenosine triphosphate.) When the energy production of the brain (metabolic rate) within cells of the brain decline with age, so too does your ability to have great body functions, think, remember, and speak clearly.

What are the hallmarks of Alzheimers, Dementia and Parkinson’s? Number one is Beta Amyloid Plaques. This plaque surrounds the brain cells and causes electrical interference. Number two is, Neurofibrillary Tangles. Neurofibrillary is when misshapen proteins are found tangled. Blue has shown in many laboratory tests to maintenance and keep the plaque and tangles out of the brain. The last five years scientists have administered True Blue daily while monitoring their brain function. True Blue stopped Alzheimers disease dead in its tracks.

Scientist and Doctor, Georgi Dinkov stated; a treatment with 8mg-16mg daily reduced cognitive decline by more than 85%! That is the perverted medical profession’s way of saying, that True Blue effectively stopped Alzheimers and Dementia in its tracks, or at least it’s cognitive symptoms, which is what this disease is all about. It is a type of Dementia after all. Perhaps just as importantly, it found that drugs currently approved for managing symptoms of Alzheimers interference with the therapeutic benefit of True Blue are enhanced when administered together.

When a powerful therapy can stop cognitive decline by 85%, when do we say, it cured the patient? At this current time, True Blue is as close to a cure as it gets. It stops the brain diseases before they start.

There are a number of different forms of uptake/transport utilized by the body. These can be classified as passive or active. The difference between the two is whether energy is required and whether (from a solute perspective) they move with or against a concentration gradient. Meaning temperature or pressure. Passive transport does not require energy to move with a concentration gradient. Active transport requires energy provided by ATP and moves against the concentration of any accumulation that might try to block the active ingredients. The transport will change the cysteine levels and transport True Blue into the mitochondria and help rebuild the plant facility of lifeThe Cell.

Does the Covid-19 vaccine shed on the unvaccinated? The answer is YES! The link below shows the data. Call us at True Blue to help put together a NEW protocol to heal you and protect you from shedding.

On Universal Antidotes And Holy Grails Of Treating C19, Shedding And Vax Injury. Have You Checked The Live Blood?

Every individual in the United States of America urgently needs to do a live blood cell analysis. Every individual in the United States of America urgently needs to do a live blood cell analysis or a urine and saliva live cell analysis.

The top ten reasons to use True Blue:

  1. Creates additional electron recycling and keeps the cells healthy.
  2. Targets mitochondrial dysfunction and repairs, making it an anti-aging rockstar.
  3. Modulates functional connectivity in the human brain.
  4. Protection against neurodegeneration and enhances cognitive function and memory.
  5. Helps repair and heal genetic disorders, brain trauma, brain injuries, infectious trauma, and chemical trauma.
  6. Heals Tick-Borne illnesses.
  7. Dissolves clots in the arteries.
  8. Induces antioxidant defense and reparation of mitochondrial DNA.
  9. Heals and prevents cancers.
  10. Manage Covid 19 side effects.

Love for the vaccinated. Blood clots? Spike proteins? True Blue to the rescue.

The rockstar, brilliant Scientist and Doctor Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PHD, has been doing pioneering science, proving in her lab, that the Covid injections, not only contain nano-lipid particles, as now disclosed by drug companies, but also what are known as “quantum bots” (semiconductor nano crystals), and self-assembling nanites or nano-scale robots, that self-assemble when exposed to body heat and external fields. (Which explains why the covid drugs had to be kept at -130`F to -76`F in order to keep the nanites from self-assembling.) In layman terms, the technology of the vaccine self-assembles in the artery, and does not allow blood, oxygen and nutrients to get to their designated locations.

These nanoparticles are contained in hydrogels in the injections. Dr Mihalcea has shown that EDTA with Vitamin C and Nattokinase are effective with True Blue, (because of its transport system) and can prevent the nanites from self-assembling and clotting, which destroys the arteries and eventually cause death. Recently a group of scientists in the UK used ivermectin, hydroxy chloroquine, chlorine dioxide ( aka, MMS and CDS, you can go to to find out more about this.) and other techniques with no effect on the blood clots, but Blue did dissolve and prevent them.

The good news is, Blue is extremely safe when taken as directed, and it is easy to get from True Blue and affordable. It must be pharmaceutical grade, or USP, not lab grade. Lab grade has impurities in it and is not food grade. True Blue is a massive antioxidant that has many other benefits, since it helps deliver oxygen to the blood and cell mitochondria, “the engine”, “the power plant”, “the plant facility”, of the cell that converts nutrients to energy (ATP). Blue is used by spies intelligence agencies, like the CIA to neutralize cyanide poisoning. It has been shown useful for cancer treatment and removing free radicals, viruses, pathogenic bacteria and other toxins from the body.

Now please read carefully Dr Mihalcea’s articles about the cure.

True Blue can help you formulate the perfect protocol to dissolve the clots and not be a victim of the BioWare. Once the perfect protocol is established other transports are necessary. We can educate you on that at no charge. Please read the “How To Thrive” section.

This is what it looks like.


Low dosages of True Blue work well as a nootropic, but a very high dose does not. True Blue will completely reverse any and all all damage that Ethylene Oxide has done through the Covid PCR test, and True Blue will dissolve the clot from the Covid vaccine. Go to theHow to Thrive” tab. You will have to do the protocol until you are healed, or the nanoparticles that create the spike proteins will reassemble and clot. The dosage for the vaccinated are 10 drops in morning and 10 drops in the afternoon for 14 days. From there 5 drops in the morning and 5 drops in the afternoon.

Some of the important neurological diseases Methylene Blue addresses.

Methylene Blue For Depression

A controlled trail in severe depressive illness.

The Journal of Neurotrauma reports that Methylene Blue has antidepressant effects in mice with Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI).

Methylene Blue Resists Alzheimers, Dementia, Parkinson’s and Huntington Disease.

Methylene Blue Improves Memory:

Neurometabolic Mechanisms for Memory Enhancement and Neuroprotection of MB.

The Prophylactic Effect of MB in Manic-Depressive Psychosis

Methylene Blue for Bipolar Disorder:

MB helps in the treatment of Neuropsychiatric Disorders.

Functional MR Imaging of the Effects of MB in the Human Brain.

More supporting successful studies with Methylene Blue.

-Acetylcholine-helps with ADD, ADHD and Alzheimers.

-Again, increases mitochondrial energy.

-it is Neuroprotective and how does it do this?

True Blue is a potent antioxidant. When damaging reactive oxygen species are produced inside the mitochondria, the first free radical that is formed inside the cell is superoxide. True Blue will bind to superoxide and reduce it to water.

It kills and stops the oxidative stress, “cascade”, it’s very beginning, before it gets a chance to do damage.

We have other therapies that also enhance healing. “The First Wealth Is Health”.

DO NOT USE –True Blue if you have a GGPD deficiency, a kidney disorder, or any kind of liver disease. If you are using St John’s wort or 5HTP or if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Side effects are none when taken correctly.

Because we have to say it, always consult your physician.

How to Take True Blue

Take 5 drops in the morning and another 5 drops in the afternoon, or at nighttime.

Always try to take it on an empty stomach.

Blue will stain your teeth.

The correct way to take it is, add the Blue to purified water. Do not use tap water.

Place the drops in water and use a straw to drink it.


You can take it like our staff at True Blue.

8 oz of purified water, a straw, juice from half of an organic lemon and 1g of Ascorbic Acid 100% pure vitamin C powder.

You will not have to brush your teeth if using this method, but we still do.

Denial is the most primitive and powerful of all defenses.

Truth and life are in the blood.

Diligence has succeeded.

Proceed to the How To Thrive tab.