I am so grateful for True Blue. I was having clotting issues from the vaccine and True Blue brought me relief.

Johnsie Little/ 85 years old

Jefferson NC

I am a protector of my family, and True Blue protects them and me. I love the supplement world and True Blue has the best delivery system to protect my family’s cells and my cells, and that gives me a peace and security.

Kourtney Perry/ 32 years old

Wilmington, NC

I did not take the vaccine. I followed the counsel of the True Blue staff. My son has been injured by childhood vaccines. True Blue and the staff are helping reverse the damage from the childhood vaccines. They have counseled me for many years on how to take care of my health. They know! They always know! I am deeply appreciative for True Blue.

Cyndi Olin/ 46 years old

Tucson, Arizona

Caring for my mother and my aunt, I am so grateful for True Blue. They both participated in the vaccine horror. True Blue has brought us relief.

Carolyn Johnson/ 70 years old

Jefferson, NC

I did not take the vaccine. I followed the counsel of the True Blue staff. I love True Blue. The protocols are dynamic. This past winter I never even got a cold or a flu virus.

Dave Besok/ 58 years old

Ellicott City, MD

Being 65 years old and very conscious about my health, True Blue and the protocol has kept me from having to take blood pressure and cholesterol drugs. I am so appreciative.

Mike Campbell/ 65 years old

Myrtle Beach, SC

I did not take the vaccine. It did not even enter my mind. I am a believer in health freedom, not health tyranny. I love True Blue, because it protects me and my family from the vaccine transmissions. They fight for us, and I would fight for the True Blue staff.

Howard Hinnant /44 years old

Fredrick, MD

I am a 77-year-old man who is very physical, 17 hours out of every 24. I have been with the staff at True Blue for over 30 years. I have put my health in their hands, and it has paid off. They protected me from the vaccine, but I did do the PCR test. I have had terrible side effects from that. The staff at True Blue showed me how to reverse it and heal it, with True Blue. Because of their excellence in biohacking, I never take medications, my blood pressure and cholesterol are perfect, and I have no diseases. I always say, “you lose your health, you lose it all.” True Blue helps take me to the promise land because their anti-aging protocol is the real deal.

Dwight Kerr/ 77 years old

West Jefferson, NC

I have been under True Blue’s nutritional counsel for over 20 years. Many times, my daughter has been protected by the True Blue staff. Just recently my energy levels were dropping. The staff advised me to correct my hormone health and energy would be restored and as always, they were correct. I love them and I know they love me.

Nicole Olds/ 50 years old

Marshall, Wisconsin

I am a pharmacist, and I did not take the vaccine. I mistakenly did take the PCR test. True Blue reverses the damage of the PCR test. True Blue protects my immune system, my arteries and my blood. In my industry I need that kind of protection and I will never quit taking it.

Melissa Maines / 52 years old

Laurel Springs, NC

I took the vaccine. I was deceived into it and True Blue understands the psychology of that. True Blue has a means to help and heal. I trust the True Blue staff. So far I have no clots. My husband who also was lied to about the vaccine is clotting. We are hoping to move him towards the protocol. I feel safe because I know there is an answer, and I know they deeply care.

Candice Wyatt’s /62 years old

Alexandria, Va

I am a mother and wife and because of the education that I received from the True Blue  staff, I did not take the vaccine or the PCR test. I take True Blue and I never miss a day. I have not been to a doctor since the birth of my last child 28 years ago and I never take medications. I have no health issues or diseases, because of the protective care of the True Blue staff.

Debbie Trivett /55 years old

Mooresville, NC

Unfortunately, I took the vaccine. It is the darkest thing I have ever done to myself in my life. I took three shots, and I am living in the doctor’s offices, and they are failing. They have no remedy on how to stop these clots, unless you are willing to do open heart surgery. Even then the clots will continue to grow and that is not even counting the risk of the cancers. Now I have hope, because I have stumbled upon True Blue. What the True Blue staff has done here is genius. They have created a technology that can bypass digestion and go straight to the cell and heal. The delivery system is off the charts. Their whole protocol is the solution to the problem. Now I can win.

Tommy Holman /66 years old

San Diego, CA

My son and I did not take the vaccine. We listened to the True Blue staff. As always, they were correct. We are glad we listened to them. My son also has been diagnosed with dementia. The doctors told us there was nothing they could do and because he has Down syndrome also, they gave us very little hope. We contacted the staff at True Blue and they has a whole different vision. Five and a half years later our son is still alive. He is not yet cured, but he laughs and knows who we are. And like the True Blue staff, we are expecting a miracle. Also because of the True Blue I have no health issues myself.

Ann Kerr / 74 years old

West Jefferson, NC

I would have to say, “if you cannot see the power and the miraculous healing gift of True Blue, one would have to question your IQ levels.” This not only heals and prevents but it saves lives. I am 63 years old and I did not take the vaccine. I am not on any medications, where as 95% of the county, who are my age are on medications. I have excellent blood pressure, excellent cholesterol and excellent brain health. All because of True Blue and the True Blue protocols. I also have great energy and I never get colds and flus now.

Thomas Little / 63 years old

New York City, New York

I am an actor in Hollywood. I had to have a pace maker put in. For me that was devastating and career ending. A friend of mine told me about the True Blue staff and they gave me a protocol that reversed the damage and saved my life and career.

Actor of the movie; Shawshank Redemption / 69 years old

Hollywood, CA