Acidity / Alkalinity

Vaccine Injuries

Adrenal Exhaustion




Arterial Sclerosis



Spike Proteins

Bacterial Types

Blood Sugar Imbalances

5G Radiation Poisoning

Anemia, including the condition, vitality, quantity and behavior of red blood cells.

Candida (yeast) infections

Chemical and Metal Toxins

Clotting Dysfunction

–  Calcium Metabolism and Parathyroid imbalance, Food Sensitives



Degenerative Stress, Free Radical Stress

Immune System


Digestive and Bowel Problems-Leaky Gut Syndrome

Liver Stress, Toxicity

Nutritional Deficiencies


Poor Circulation

Poor Oxygenation

Uric Acid Crystals

Viral Types

Vitamin and Mineral Deficiencies

Reproductive Issues- Male and Female

White Blood Cells- The condition, vitality, quantity and behavior.

Thyroid Imbalances

– Blood Clotting



The holy grail of health is the blood. The urine can also show you exactly what is in the blood. A person’s blood is a picture of the health of their body from head to toe, because life and truth is in the blood. Your blood is the river of health. It transports nutrients, oxygen, and many other life producing agents to the trillions of cells in the body. It also removes cellular waste produced during metabolism (the production of energy) from your cells to the liver or kidneys for elimination from the body. Unhealthy blood can resemble an aquarium or fishbowl that had not been cleaned. The standard American diet that includes Gmo foods, mRNA, chemicals, environmental toxins and emotional stressors will create a swamp of debris that will stagnate and damage the blood and cause an environment set-up perfectly for disease and breakdown. Very harmful bacteria and microorganisms will feed off these toxins and increase more disease. Live cell microscopy can always detect imbalances and diseases that do not show up on traditional lab blood test.


Live blood analysis is the analysis of living blood under a microscope connected to a camera. Live blood testing enables Dr. Jeanne Petan, PhD to see your blood exactly as it behaves inside your body, giving you a clear picture of your health at the cellular level. Now because of this advanced technology, you do not have to treat symptoms any longer. You can now see and heal the disease directly at its core. Dr. Jeanne Petan takes the guess work out of it. Her work is far more advanced than general doctors. When you see the analysis, you realize that there is incredible dynamic activity taking place within you. And again, you can begin to finally better understand the specifics that need to be addressed without guessing and trying numerous therapies that are inappropriate for eliminating disease. Once a client who wants total control of their health can see, their compliance is greatly improved with understanding, because now you can see what you are doing and why. In addition to that, a client can always see the progress they are making in the body by checking the blood 30, 60 and 90 days later.

The condition and quality of your red blood cells have a direct impact on your present and future health. Life and truth are in the blood. Sometimes disease appears as stress in the blood years before manifesting as symptoms in the body. An analysis can detect the potential for disease very early on. As one can see it is the ultimate preventative tool available in the world of true health care. Traditional lab testing does not show early signs of a disease.


When the blood starts to stack the amount of oxygen that can be transported is severely diminished. This kind of condition is caused by dehydration, high fat, high protein diets, lack of enzymes, and high blood acidity. Your blood will look like this if you drink one soda and can stay this way for 2 hours. When the client’s cells are not supplied with oxygen, they will feel tired, have poor digestion and eventually skin disorders will occur. 


Your circulatory system is the perfect means by which oxygen, nutrients, antibodies, and hormones are transported to the cells to keep them alive and functioning. In optimum health Dr. Jeanne Petan will point out that the Erythrocytes are round and separated and move through the capillaries very easily. The average size of healthy RBCs is 7.2 microns.


This health condition is the first sign of cell stickiness and May progress into Rouleau if not corrected. Dr. Jeanne Petan can point out that this occurs when the RBC stick together in chains because of a lowered ph caused when monosodium urate (a protein by product) level increases in the plasma. Protein linkage is a sign that fat and or protein is not being digested completely.


The size, number, shape and movement of white blood cells point to possible issues related to immunity. In the long term, over-activity or under-activity of immune cells can result in an increased susceptibility to illnesses. 

TARGET CELL (codocyte)

These RBCs are deficient in iron and therefore hemoglobin cannot carry the oxygen. The symptoms produced in the body are tiredness, poor digestion, and anemia.


Dry blood analysis is an effective tool to look at as it shows the body’s health state, by looking at the dried samples that reveal the bodies toxins and disease. Its purpose is always to find the root of the health problem or the vision to stop the disease before it starts.


Dark Field Microscopy allows Dr. Jeanne Petan to evaluate the shapes and other properties of individual blood cells, indicating nutritional conditions which will create disease. The advantage for Dr Petan over standard blood tests is, she can find chemical changes in the blood, and gives us the ability to detect nutritional disorders sooner, when the problem is in its infancy stages. By monitoring the blood’s condition, we can assist you in dietary and lifestyle changes that will enhance your health.


Dr. Jeanne Petan, PhD is a superstar in biological medicine and degenerative diseases. She has been helping patients for 44 years. She is a world-renowned health practitioner working along side other great health practitioners like Dr Rashid Buttar and Dr Robert Young. Recently Dr Young secured a grant to find a cure for autistic kids and Dr Jeanne Petan will be working along side him to find the cure. Our protocols save your life, everything else is secondary. Go to the link above to setup your evaluation (you can even do it from the comfort of your home). For the first time, you can get a picture of your health from head to toe. Health is the first wealth.