High Excess Deaths STILL a Thing 3 Years Since the Covid Shots — Government Data

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Dr. John Campbell released a video Thursday where he chronicled current 2024 excess mortality numbers, showing that the massive increase in death since the Covid vaccines were rolled out in 2021 still plagues society.

“So we’re still seeing high levels of excess deaths in the U.K. and the United States,” Campbell said in his video, referencing data from the Organization of Economic & Cooperation Development (OECD).

“If we’re ignoring excess deaths, to me that is an alarming sign for civilization as a whole,” Campbell said.

Excess mortality is the number of extra people who die over what should normally be expected. Infowars recently reported on excess infant mortality in the U.S. along with excess mortality in ItalyGermany and Cyprus.

“We’ll also see that this trend is continuing where we have the data through 2022, through 2023, into 2024 and nobody seems to be making a song and dance about it and really saying much about it at all, which is really quite amusing because the numbers are quite high,” the doctor said.

Campbell compared the OECD data to that of Our World In Data.

The data indicated that between January 2023 and week 16, 2024 there was an excess mortality rate of 7.9 percent in the U.K. and 10 percent in the U.S. as well as 12.9 percent for January 2023 to week 47 of 2023 in Australia.

“So we see this persisting into 2024,” he said.

There was a 19.1 percent excess mortality rate in Canada for January 2023 to week 6, 2024 with weeks 1-6 of 2024 being 14.6 percent.

“This is kind of a bit like old news now, people don’t seem to be talking about it, yet there’s still more people dying than we would expect,” Campbell said.

Israel saw a 12.5 percent excess mortality rate from January 2023 to week 16, 2024 with the first 16 weeks of 2024 not lessening in severity.

“It’s a massively serous issue,” the doctor said.

The Netherlands experienced a 13 percent excess mortality rate between January 2023 and week 16, 2024 which maintained throughout the first 16 weeks of 2024.

“…why is this not getting more exposure,” he said.

New Zealand witnessed 15.3 percent excess mortality between January 2023 and week 16, 2024.

“It’s [excess deaths] not a topic for mainstream media discussion either, it really is quite bemusing that all these extra people are dying and yet, I don’t know, maybe people are in denial about their own mortality,” Campbell said. “I can’t really quite explain why there’s not more talking about this and more outrage and everything about this, it’s just very very strange to me.”

The Covid shots are known to make people retardedincrease in lethality after repeated doses and double the death rate of Covid patients, while 74 percent of the vaccinated who’ve died were killed by the shots, yet the death rate is still higher than what is reported and they also increase Covid infection rates and all cause mortality in addition to increasing the death numbers, result in tons of bizarre and unusual skin disordersinsane and gross turbocancersreproductive destructioncaused miscarriagesparalyzationtinnitus, blood clots in the brainnon-serious disordersdeath by neurological disorderincreased excess death rates, autoimmune disorders in the thyroid, as well as deadly headaches, seizures and heart inflammation including in children, while also causing the vaccinated people’s skin to ‘erupt’, in addition to a multitude of serious ailments seen in massive population studies and contain hundreds of times the allowable levels of DNA contamination leading to mutagenic effects, contaminating the blood supply, as well as permanently altering the DNA of the vaccinated and their offspring, but while some batches are worse than others, the injections are expected to kill people for a very long time into the future.

In the U.S. the CDC recommends that all Americans receive their Covid shot and that young children receive extra, as well as that all Americans now receive another shot, despite receiving them previously, while Canada recommends another Covid shot for the pregnant, indigenous, ‘racialized’ & ‘equity-deserving’.