Doctor Rails Against Study Claiming Covid Shots LOWER Heart Attacks, Calls it Flawed — Video

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Dr. Vinay Prasad posted a video Sunday in which he critiqued a study claiming to show that the Covid vaccination actually lowers heart attack risk, despite other research indicating the exact opposite.

“This paper’s got all the hallmarks of a big dataset, but it’s got a lot of big problems,” he said. “When you have very very large datasets, you can find easily P-values that are extremely signifiant…finding these P-values is a triviality, whether you actually have your finger on a causal relationship, that’s the real question in these papers.”

What the doctor was saying is that with a large dataset, in this case 46 million people, it is often possible to find whatever relationship you are looking for, regardless of actual causality between the relationship. In this case the relationship is Covid vaccination and heart attack risk.

“Basically what they find is across the board, every additional dose you get they think there is a lower risk of arterial clots and heart attacks and things like that,” Prasad said, nearly laughing at the findings.

Prasad went on to criticize vaccine-lover Dr. Vin Gupta who lauded these ‘findings’ in a post on social media, embarrassingly, appearing to confuse the medical journal Nature and its lesser offshoot Nature Communications.

“‘Accountability is coming to the misinformer near you!’ That’s what Vin Gupta writes. Apparently he’s a doctor who’s featured on NBC and MSNBC,” Prasad said. “Well, interesting thing right off the bat, this is in Nature Communications, not Nature. And so when he says that this is the world’s ‘signature and most prestigious medical journal’ I think he’s confused Nature with Nature Communications, that’s a big difference, okay. Nature Communications is like Bronny James, it’s not LeBron, okay, it’s Bronny.”

“If the editors of Nature Genetics feel the work is not of broad enough interest for them – perhaps it would not make it onto page two of the New York Times – they might suggest Nature Communications,” Merlin Crossley said in Campus Morning Mail in 2020. “In the past if your work wasn’t accepted in Nature or Science researchers would often try the respected general journal, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, USA, or PNAS – which wags dubbed ‘Probably Not Accepted in Science’…Researchers were happy to publish there because again the journal leveraged the Nature name.”

Prasad discussed how the people who either get one, two or three doses are often very different types of people with very different heart attack risks, which has caused the causality to be unfounded in the deduction that the Covid vaccine reduced heart attack risk. It was not adjusted for other factors, meaning it likely has a lot of residual confounding, according to Prasad.

The other problem Prasad said the study has is that those who had heart attacks and strokes and didn’t take the Covid vaccine will only be put into the group of people who didn’t get the shot and had heart attacks, despite the fact that it has no relation to the Covid vaccine actually reducing heart attack risk. Prasad said that the study didn’t correct for these discrepancies, called falsification endpoints.

Prasad went on to the next problem with the study.

“Problem four are people like doctor Vin Gupta. ‘Legions of white coats who continue to spread misinformation’ [referencing Gupta’s post]. You know I suspect from listening to his other comments, what I think I’ve talked about on this channel because he’s said some pretty stupid things about President Biden’s mental health, you can go back and watch those videos. Vin Gupta, he seems to me like an ideologue, he appears on MSNBC and I might venture to guess that he’s a passionate Democrat, okay, from the kinds of things he says and he’s so blinded by his ideology that he thinks anybody who doubts vaccine safety, Covid-19 vaccine safety, must be spreading misinformation.”

He also said that the paper was poorly written and that the tables are a mess.

Prasad went on to discuss unflawed studies that do indicate harm to the heart and cardiovascular system from the Covid vaccine.

The doctor concluded by saying that people should never attribute to malice that which incompetence can explain and that this paper, which he described with the word ‘shitty’ doesn’t even belong in Nature Communications, but rather the trashcan.

“They’re not competent, they’re very very dumb, often they don’t know basic things, they’re not using their brain,” he said. “Not a day goes by where I don’t see somebody with all the greatest degrees on earth say something really, really fucking stupid.”

The Covid shots are known to:

In the U.S. the CDC recommends that all Americans receive their Covid shot and that young children receive extra, as well as that all Americans now receive another shot, despite receiving them previously, while Canada recommends another Covid shot for the pregnant, indigenous, ‘racialized’ & ‘equity-deserving’.