Doctor’s Analysis on RFK Jr.’s ‘Make America Healthy Again’ Initiative — Video

Image Credit: Dr. John Campbell youtube screenshot

British doctor John Campbell produced a video Sunday where he analyzed and commented on the ‘Make America Healthy Again‘ initiative of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

“One of the things about common sense is of course is that it’s very rare, it is not at all common,” Campbell said. “…if he gets the United States sorted out maybe he could come and help us out in this country as well.”

Campbell discussed a number of health-related topics that Kennedy commented on in an interview from Saturday on Fox News.

The doctor first played a clip of the Saturday interview where Kennedy was discussing the dangers of seed oils.

“Seed oils are one of the most unhealthy ingredients that we have in foods and seed oils, the reason they’re in the food is because they’re heavily subsidized, they’re very very cheap, but they are associated with all kinds of very very serious illnesses including body-wide inflammation, which affects all of our health, it’s one of the worst things you can eat and it’s almost impossible to avoid, if you eat any processed food you’re going to be eating seed oils,” Kennedy said on Fox before explaining that the subsidization of seed oil stems from FDA corruption.

Campbell said that Kennedy is right to call them seed oils and not ‘vegetable oils’ as they’re often referred to.

The doctor then discussed how he personally uses avocado oil when he can afford it, as it is very expensive. Campbell also said that while he does use rapeseed oil (a seed oil) he uses a cold-pressed version which is less harmful. While those oils are necessary for high-temperature cooking, he also mentioned some better oils which can be used at lower temperatures, such as extra virgin olive oil.

It should be noted that, at least in the U.S. organic coconut oil is a healthy and affordable option along with organic lard, beef tallow and ghee.

Next, Campbell played a clip of Kennedy talking about food colorings.

“Food coloring, you see here yellow food coloring, that is a petroleum product,” Kennedy said. “It’s associated with … depression, it’s associated with autoimmune injuries and ADHD. These and red dye is also very bad. In Europe these same companies are producing the same products but they’re using natural coloring, but here they can get away with it.”

Kennedy also discussed how these ‘Americanized’ industrial foods are banned in Europe.

“We have about 1,000 chemicals that are in our food that are either outright banned in Europe or actively discouraged so you wouldn’t be able to buy this kind of stuff in Europe. You ask about why it’s so cheap, why it’s so ubiquitous, it’s because we subsidized the worst foods,” Kennedy said.

Campbell quipped that it sounds like eating petrol.

“Now he talks about 1,000 chemicals used in the United States, used in foods, that is appalling,” Campbell said, elaborating that while that is true, Europe still has too many ultra processed foods.

After that, Campbell analyzed Kennedy discussing ‘natural’ flavors.

“Let’s see just how ‘natural’ natural flavors are,” Campbell said.

“In our country natural flavors are chemical products, so you can’t trust what’s on the ingredient label and the reason for that is government corruption, the reason is the agency, the USDA, the FDA, has been captured by the industries they’re supposed to regulate and they all have an interest in subsidies and in mass poisoning the American public,” Kennedy said.

Campbell satirically elaborated on the ‘corruption’ and ‘mass poisoning’ part of Kennedy’s statement, insinuating that the government is not interested in public health.

Interestingly, the irony in Campbell’s tone may be due to the fact that he regularly makes videos on the corruption and mass poisoning from the vaccine industry, something Infowars has previously reported on.

The last topic Campbell analyzed was Kennedy’s statements on pesticides.

“Unless it’s organic, certified organic, you are getting something that’s actually hurting you,” Kennedy said.

Campbell said that pesticides are used to increase crop yields at the expense of our health.

“See, the thing about pesticides is you can’t see them and you can’t taste them,” Campbell said.

Infowars previously reported on a study showing that people living near pesticide applications have higher risks of cancer as well as a study showing that washing fruit doesn’t remove pesticide.

Kennedy concluded by explaining the industry capture of the regulatory agencies and how he hopes to change this.

“Why on earth wouldn’t you want regulatory bodies that do not have conflicts of interests,” Campbell said. “Lets get the ethics back into this, lets start putting people first rather than the profit of big industries first.”

Campbell let loose his witty British humor to conclude his video analysis, as he often does.

“But there’s a bright side to this, never mind all these clever pharmaceutical people will probably come up with pills that can treat all these things that these toxic foods are causing,” Campbell said.