Understanding The Problem

We are at war. This war is not fought with guns and bullets. If you do not know what is happening, then you are asleep or you are not a very intelligent person. Let’s cut to the chase and get to the point. The Covid vaccine is a bioweapon that is an artificial intelligent magnetic hydrogel weapon. It has only one design, to create injury or to create death. If one did not get saline, they will experience injury or death, if they do not wake up to the reality of what is happening. Bold truth, but we are at the point where the truth has to be told. It is now starting to go to the mainstream media. Here is the link.

This is not a vaccine; it is purely an inoculation. Vaccines are not supposed to create injury or death. The science community has now seen the chemicals of this creation and it is not a vaccine. It is a weapon.

How does it perform its strategy?

1. We are going to approach this with simple terms. When the inoculation goes into the arm, the first thing the bioweapon does is, it attacks the blood.

2. At that moment, the immune system did not send out its soldiers, the T cells. The weapon is so sophisticated that the immune system did not even know what hit it, when the inoculation entered into the body. It’s very strategic how this was planned. The immune system never figures this out on the onset.

3. Then it makes its way to the immune system and overtakes it eventually and creates autoimmune disorders.

4. After it attacks the blood and the immune system, it will begin to create hydrogels “fibrous clots and spike proteins. The spike proteins create the cancers. Cancers thrive in an acidic bloodstream and are reversed in an alkaline bloodstream. We encourage you to get on a daily regimen of ivermectin to prevent cancers. Go to the link Ivermectin-The Truth

5. The main culprit is the clots. Once it establishes itself in the gut and damages the immune system, it will grow long fibrous clots in the arteries. Watch this video:

This is why athletes are dying and many others. The clots grow up into the brain and create strokes and heart attacks.

6. As the clots grow the brain begins to suffer. Blood, oxygen and nutrients are having a very difficult time getting to the designated areas. Then the individual experiences disorientation, confusion, frailty and eventually death.

7. At a certain point in the journey the individual’s psychology is affected. They enter into very deep denial and blindness of the truth. The reason or the cause is, because the inoculation changes the brain chemistry and does not allow the brain to conduct proper neuroplasticity and it keeps the individual out of reality.

8. The inoculation spreads through the body and then creates transmission onto others. At this current rate, science believes that the transmission will create the equivalent of a vaccine in everyone in the world within the next five to seven years. Since the inception of the inoculation, they have put mRNA with GMOs in the majority of our foods, except for true organic farms. The morgellons are in our foods and the water supply. Look at this link again.

We have hundreds of these reports.

The Solution

1. Clean The Blood- The only way to rebuild and clean your blood is through the PH miracle. This is the Holy Grail to health. The body is alkaline by design and acidic by function. Life and truth are always in the blood. The body has been created to thrive in an alkaline bloodstream and decline in an acidic bloodstream. When the bloodstream is clean it will renew itself every ninety days and rebuild the blood cells. All diseases, especially cancers, cannot survive in an alkaline oxygenated rich bloodstream. It is aerobic versus anaerobic. Once again, it’s alkaline versus acid. When the blood is acid, this creates body curses. Logic and reason demonstrate that diseases cannot survive in an alkaline bloodstream. When the blood is at a 7.365% or higher alkaline level then diseases will never set in. If the percentages start to decline, the blood is entering an acidic state and health issues will eventually pursue. You can test your alkaline levels at home. The only way to stop diseases for the vaccinated and the unvaccinated, is to clean and rebuild the blood.

Life and death is all about managing and maintaining the delicate alkaline PH environment of the blood plasma. Why can’t doctors heal disease? Because they know nothing about interstitium and interstitial fluids that are PH fluids. In their professions, they do not care to know it. (Simple logic really, if you heal, there is no more money.) Alkalizing Nutritional Therapy in the prevention and treatment of all and any diseases, is the fountain of youth.

Dr Alexis Carrel received the Nobel Prize in medicine many years after his death. He discovered how to increase the longevity of the human cell. What did Dr Carrel find? That he could keep a body cell alive forever, if he would simply change out the acidic fluids that surround the cell every 24 to 48 hours. The experiment he used was a chicken heart that he kept alive for 20 years, by changing out the interstitial fluids each day. The chicken heart only died after he stopped managing the interstitial fluids.

Dr Alexis Carrel said “The cell is immortal.” It is merely the fluid in which it floats which degenerates. Renewing this fluid at intervals, give the cell something on which to feed. So far as we know, the pulsation of life may go on forever………

You must protect, you must manage, you must maintain the alkaline design of the body fluids, if you want to prevent sickness or disease and extend the quality and quantity of your life. PH miracle-Alkaline-Life! Acid-Death!

2. Rebuild The Immune System- The fist step to rebuilding the immune system is repairing the microbiome in the gut. An individual has to eat foods that are geared towards prebiotics and probiotics. The diet has to be 80-90% raw and 10-20% cooked and the correct supplementation that we will discuss later. Every individual has to stay away from sugar cane and any foods that turn into sugars. Food addictions are very rough for individuals because they have the same addiction levels as cocaine or heroin. But if an individual wants to remove diseases, they have to remove the food addictions. One has to consume alkaline water and has to transfer to a complete omega 3 diet with the keto concept. The right approach can build your immune system into a powerhouse. True Blue’s glutathione will help repair the immune system the way it was always intended to be.

3. Dissolve The Graphene Oxide Nanoparticle Clots – The general doctors and specialists do not know how to dissolve these clots because they do not understand this patent US 2022/0002159 A1 that was created by the US government to put in the vaccines. There has been independent testing of virals by 26+ scientific teams worldwide and this is what we have found:

RNA sequenced from vials- RNA not conforming to label.

DNA and protein impurities detected in massive quantities.

Different heavy and rare metals of unknown origin or purpose:

Some examples are mercury, aluminum, thulium, antimony, cyanoacrylate (monomer super glue) and many more.

Large structures: Blobs, particles, crystals, flat square shapes, fibers, ribbons, assembly and movement visible immediately from frozen state.

Forms of magnetic beads- remember fridge magnets sticking to people?

The analysis shows the clots are absolutely not made of blood. They attract different types of elements more than what blood would. It is a self assembling carbon rich structure with a fiery reaction. The clot rapidly invites oxidation and is highly combustible. This is clearly not blood vessel tissue and we have seen nothing like this before. There is much more data that is alarming for vaccinated and the unvaccinated but now let us discuss the prevention and the cure.  It important to note that blood thinners are failing miserably against the clots and there are no pharmaceutical drugs in the medical profession that can dissolve these clots. If there were, people would not be dying everywhere. There are only a few compounds that are currently known, which can dissolve this monstrosity.

The Strategy

The strategy is five essential strikes to battle this major assault on the body.

  1. True Blue- You have seen the data, and the gift is our answer. The compound of the transport and glutathione in the True Blue dissolves the fortified walls of the clot. Dissolves plaque in the arteries, helps dissolve amyloid plaque buildup in the brain and delivers glutathione to the cell, and more powerful attributes as the data proved.
  2. Medfive- This is another powerful patent supplement. Medfive removes plaque, kidney stones, and heavy metals in the arteries and major organs. When True Blue attacks this foreign enemy in the body, Medfive continues the hard work and breaks down the particles, the metals, Morgellons and pushes the foreign substance out of the arteries and the blood. Like True Blue, Medfive is off the charts. It has exemplary antioxidants and the powerhouse over the clot is ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) a powerful chelating agent. True Blue and EDTA chelation dissolves the artificial intelligence magnetic-hydrogel weapon and also removes years of abuse, by removing the plaque and diseases from the arteries. Go here to purchase Medfive…. order-medfive-system.html
  3. And last is the removal of the artificial intelligent magnetic hydrogel weapon and removal of plaque and diseases from the American standard diet, which poisons the body. At this stage we know True Blue and Medfive breaks down all plaques in the arteries and the organs and extends life. (Currently there are no medications that can compete in the market.) We now know that True Blue and Medfive breaks down the clots from the graphene oxide, “beside the vaccine, also graphene oxide is found in medications and modern-day gene therapies.” (Graphene oxide is used to made brake pads for vehicles.) Now we need the perfect binder, which is” thee” master binder as Dr. Robert Young says, it is another patented powerhouse called, MasterPeace. It binds and removes the weapon and all toxins that have been destroyed and broken down by True Blue and Medfive. As Dr. Young says it is a purifier and it is created to go everywhere water goes in the body. Go here to get MasterPeace..
  4. Fortify the blood and arteries- Now is the time to strengthen and secure the position. High dose Nattokinase: a game changer in artery, heart and brain health. A very impressive anti-aging supplement. Recently 1062 participants, here is a link to the study who all have three major health issues: high cholesterol, high triglycerides and atherosclerosis. This study delivered some very impressive and informative results.

– Starting with total cholesterol, the 10,800 FU dose lowered total cholesterol by 15.9%.

– LDL cholesterol was lowered by 18.1%.

– HDL cholesterol was increased by 15.8%.

– Triglycerides were reduced by 15.7%. The rates of improvement were also very good.

– Total cholesterol improved in 95.4%.

– LDL cholesterol 84.3%

– HDL cholesterol 89.1%

– Triglycerides 85.2%

– CCA-IMT (Common Carotid Artery Intima Media Thickness) 77.7%

– Carotid Plaque Score (CPS) 66.5%

An important note- the mistake 95% of doctors make is, they test for cholesterol instead of testing for Atherosclerosis. Always ask for an Atherosclerosis test instead of the cholesterol test. Thousands of lives could be saved by making this correct choice.

Nattokinase, an enzyme derived from natto. It improves cardiovascular health, helps prevents clots, improves circulation, benefits bone health, helps reduce inflammation, improves cognitive function, and blood pressure. Link to purchase here…,aps,83&sr=8-17&_encoding=UTF8&tag=earthclinic-20&linkCode=ur2&linkId=09f5f737b0361029a5287e0c44273e1b&camp=1789&creative=9325

5. The Psychology– The goal is to correct the perception. A problem cannot be solved if you do not know what it is. The masses have been lulled into a trap and have no awareness of this grave situation. The wrong perception creates the wrong reality. In the wrong perception the individual practices denial and when one practices denial, the individual always demonstrates a lower IQ. When the perception is corrected, then the IQ is corrected. This tends to allow the individual to be more successful in making correct choices.


What is important at this point is to recognize the function the body requires to promote the body’s healing. The baseline for the human body is minerals. The human body is mineral based. It cannot rejuvenate and heal properly without board spectrum minerals. A good example is cancer. If the body is too low in minerals, the body will not defeat and heal cancers. 

Your next baseline is vitamin D.A.K.E. Vitamin D3, vitamin A, vitamin K, and vitamin E. If the body is insufficient in D.A.K.E, the immune system and more will suffer.

Your next baseline is Omega 3 supplements. The 3 are flaxseed, cod liver oil and krill oil. It is important to note that, if you are allergic to shellfish do not take krill. The best way to take them is cod liver oil and krill or cod liver oil and flaxseed oil. As the congestion is removed from the arteries, these powerful supplements will rebuild the brain and keep all brain diseases away. Especially any type of memory loss. A good example would be: Why did I come into this room, or where are the car keys? All of this can be remedied.

And the final baseline that enhances your success is CBD oil. CBD is a great blood cleanser and immune system builder. To remove toxicity, the master is TRS and Nitric Oxide, a powerhouse in healing vaccine injuries and more.

Glutathione is the master antioxidant! People who live the longest in the world are individuals that have the highest glutathione levels. When glutathione dies, the body dies. Inoculation and inoculated shedding attacks glutathione levels in the body. The way to build up glutathione levels is to take the supplement NAC in very high doses. True Blue delivers glutathione to the cells of the immune system. Glutathione supplements are destroyed by digestion. Glutathione is the main builder against all diseases. A key to every human’s function. If you take a glutathione supplement, you have to take the correct transport.

There are 6 blue zones in the world. These individuals are the longest living people in the world. The average age is 93. How do they do it? They have the highest levels of alkalinity and highest levels of glutathione of anyone in the world. They eat cancer killing foods and eat foods that never create heart disease. Our staff at True Blue can make anyone a blue zone individual and we can help you reverse heart disease and keep you from getting cancers. We are a blue zone staff. We know the ends and outs of the blue zone lifestyle. True Blue and the medical protocol works for everybody! If you would like to have a private one on one consultation, please contact us at the fee for this service is $50.00. You do not have to buy the product to do the consultation.


There are other great supplements that can enhance your healing. For now, the most important is the baseline. The goal is to prevent. We have worked with many vaccinated and unvaccinated people, and we have found that when disease sets in, the inoculation has completely taken over. The goal is to PREVENT! We highly encourage the vaccinated and the unvaccinated to protect yourself from the 5G radiation poisoning that enhances the inoculation. We also highly encourage the unvaccinated to do the MMS protocol.

We at True Blue are mindful biohackers. We bio-hack the biology of the body and we are here to ensure your success in these uncertain times. For just the price of the True Blue our staff will answer any health and nutrition questions an individual has. Just email us at A good example is our staff can show an individual how to alkaline the blood in 14 days. The world is infected. One Problem, One Solution. Prevent, Heal and Live.

Remove the clot.

Remove the plaque.

Heal the body.

The only anti-aging program in the world.